Contact & terms
Located in sunny santa monica
424 382 9155
Dan Krieger | dan@konsciousstudios.com | 310 980 9968
Ric McRae | ric@konsciousstudios.com | 310 926 6972
Contact Us / Studio Inquiry
Booking Terms
2. Studio A has a 3 hour minimum. Studio B & C have a 4 hour minimum. A 50% deposit is required to confirm a booking. We accept Cash, Check, PayPal, Venmo, and all major Credit Cards. Client is responsible for any and all legal costs and attorney’s fees required to collect payment for any services rendered.
3. In the event of cancellation, Client is responsible to pay 50% of book rate for all studio time cancelled with 72 hours notice or less. Client is responsible to pay 100% of book rate for all studio time cancelled with 24 hours notice or less. Studio has the right to withhold any work completed at the studio (Masters) from Client until balance is paid in full. If the Studio must cancel a session due to illness or other reasonable cause, the Studio will reschedule the session for the earliest available time consistent with the needs of the Client. In the event neither the Client nor the Studio can agree upon a date and time for a session, the Studio will refund the deposit.
4. Studio time includes setup time, break down time, and any breaks taken by client or client parties. When an Engineer is provided, they are entitled to a 15 minute break every 2 hours (to alleviate ear fatigue) and a 30 minute meal breaks every 8 hours. All Engineer break time is considered on the clock.
5. Additional fees may be incurred when adding additional services outside of studio time. For example; mixing, mastering, creating additional tracks, and adding to or modifying tracks.
6. The Studio will look after, but is not responsible for, any and all property left on the premises by Client or other related parties.
7. If a balances is unpaid within 30 days, the Client’s recording files left on premises shall become property of the Studio. Upon completion of payment, the Studio will transfer all recordings and ownership of sound recording copyrights back to the Client. All songwriting copyrights will remain with the author of the work.
8. Client is responsible for any and all backups and backup materials upon completion of sessions, and the Studio will maintain a backup for 30 days. After 30 days, the files may be permanently deleted unless other arrangements have been made. Files for ongoing projects booking time on a regular basis will not be deleted.
9. Client shall be responsible for any loss or damage to Studio property incurred by Client or related parties as a result of misuse, negligence, and or carelessness. Although food and drinks are allowed in the studio, please use them in reasonable quantities. Any spills that cause damage to the building or equipment will be to be billed to the Client. The Studio reserves the right to remove any Client or any related parties from the facility, who may be behaving in a disorderly or a disruptive manner.
10. No smoking is allowed in the studio or in the building. You may smoke outside at least 10 feet away from the building. Please do not leave butts or trash matches on the ground.
11. Please help us keep the area neat and orderly. Do not leave food or trash around the grounds or in the studio. Please clean up any mess that you make. Place all trash inappropriate containers. Place aluminum cans and bottles in the recycle bin.
12. The Client releases the Studio from any harm or damage that may occur to any person in the Client’s party or to equipment belonging to the Client.
13. The Client agrees to allow it’s name, photographic image, and/or musical samples to be used on the Studio’s website and/or for other promotional purposes without permission, unless otherwise agreed upon. The Studio will not sell or allow downloads of the Client’s music without prior agreement.